Arukh LaNer on Rosh Hashanah
19th-century Talmud commentary by R. Yaakov Ettlinger
Arukh LaNer on Sanhedrin
19th-century Talmud commentary by R. Yaakov Ettlinger
Ben Yehoyada
19th-century commentary on aggadic portions of the Talmud by the Ben Ish Chai, incorporating analytic and kabbalistic interpretations.
19th-century follow-up work by the Ben Ish Chai to his commentary Ben Yehoyada, with additional interpretations on aggadic portions of the Talmud.
Chiddushei Rabbi Akiva Eiger
19th-century anthology of Rabbi Akiva Eiger’s commentary, known for its sharp analytic questions.
Chidushei Agadot
17th-century commentary by the Maharsha analyzing aggadic talmudic passages, printed together with his Chidushei Halakhot in the back of the Vilna Talmud.
Chidushei Halachot
17th-century work by the Maharsha analyzing the commentaries of Rashi and Tosafot, as well as legal parts of the Talmud.
Chidushei Chatam Sofer
19th-century commentary by Rabbi Moshe Sofer, a leading rabbi of European Jewry.
Chokhmat Shlomo
16th-century glosses by the Maharshal focused on establishing the correct text of the Talmud.
Ein Ayah
20th-century commentary by Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook on Ein Yaakov, a compilation of aggadic material in the Talmud.
Gilyon HaShas
19th-century notes of Rabbi Akiva Eiger on the margins of the the Talmud.
Haflaah on Ketubot
18th-century commentary by Rabbi Pinchas Horowitz of Frankfurt, with a focus on analyzing the Talmud through the method of pilpul.
Haggahot Ya'avetz
18th-century notes on the Talmud by Rabbi Yaakov Emden, a well-known German scholar.
17th-century work by Rabbi Meir of Lublin with concise interpretations of the talmudic text and the commentaries of Rashi and Tosafot.
Maharam Schiff
17th-century commentary by Rabbi Meir ben Yaakov Schiff, based on classes he delivered in a yeshiva in Germany.
Marit HaAyin
19th-century commentary by the Chida on aggadic sections of the Talmud, based largely on letter schemes and kabbalistic teachings.
Penei Yehoshua
Widely-studied 18th-century commentary by Rabbi Ya'akov Yehoshua Falk, largely focused on resolving questions posed by Tosafot on Rashi.
Petach Einayim
18th-century commentary by the Chida, mainly on aggadic parts of the Talmud with some legal discussion as well.
19th-century annotations based on classes that the author, Rabbi Shmuel Strashun, delivered in a synagogue in Lithuania.
Sha'arei Torat Bavel
20th-century commentary on the Babylonian Talmud by Lithuanian Rabbi Zev Wolf Rabinowitz.
Shita Mekubetzet
Collection of earlier talmudic commentaries compiled in the 16th century by R. Betzalel Ashkenazi
Tziyyun LeNefesh Chayyah
18th-century commentary by R. Yechezkel Landau
Be'er Sheva
Early 17th-century tosafist-style commentary by R. Yissachar Eilenburg
Chiddushei HaRim
19th-century commentary by R. Yitzchak Meir Rotenberg Alter, founder of the Ger Chasidic dynasty
About Acharonim on Talmud
Acharonim—“the later ones” in English—were leading rabbis and legal authorities who lived in the 16th through 20th centuries, in the era after the composition of the Shulchan Arukh.
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